Brooklyn-Schneider Hopfen-Weisse vs Schneider-Brooklyn Hopfen-Weisse

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4 Responses

  1. nate says:

    I had the Schneider version and loved it. Reviewed it this week. It was amazing how the alcohol was completely hidden. I picked up on some strong peach notes.

    I really want to try the Brooklyn version, but none of the beer stores around here stock it.

    Which did you prefer?

  2. Simply Beer says:

    I’m not sure I preferred one over the other, they both had characteristics which I loved and were both pretty easy drinking (especially for a big beer). But if you force me to choose, I’d probably go with Schneider-Brooklyn on odd days and the Brooklyn-Schneider on even days 🙂

  3. nate says:

    “I’d probably go with Schneider-Brooklyn on odd days and the Brooklyn-Schneider on even days”


    That’s good…if only i had a limitless beer budget.

  4. I’ve had both multiple times. I like both a lot, but given the major price differential I have to say I’d go with the Schneider-Brooklyner everytime, no doubt. Plus I like the more prominent yeast flavors that remind me of the traditional hefeweizens. They’re both very good beers, but the Schneider-Brooklyner is just completely out of this world great and something fairly new and inventive to boot.